Easy to install, LIDO is available either with built-in condensing unit or without compressor (remote version). It is fitted with automatic defrost water evaporation system.
Usually supplied with end-walls, it can also be multiplexed to obtain lines of various lenghts. Displayed foodstuffs are always kept at the right temperature by chilled airflow secured through a well-dimensioned refrigerating installation; temperature is controlled by electronic thermostat. Upper interior lighting ensures a good presentation of products.
Autorolling night blind is standard supplied. Shelves, fittedwith price-rails, are easily adjustable in height and slope.
2 double- glazed side-walls (30 mm thick each) Dairy Products version (SL): 3 shelves made of atossic white-painted steel sheet or stainless stainless steel (for inox version), easily adjustable in height, fitted with price-rails, without lighting and without shelf risers
Fruits and Vegetable version (FV): 2 inclined shelves made of atossic white-painted steel sheet or stainless stainless steel (for inox version), easily adjustable in height, fitted with price-rails, without lighting and without shelf risers, fitted with one inclined upper mirror
Autorolling night blind
Electronic control panel
Expansion valve R404A/R507 for both built-in and remote versions
Automatic water evaporation system (with stainless steel serpentine fitted inside the water evaporation tray) for built in version
Timed defrosting
Upper internal neon lighting